Participatory Planning for localization of Family planning

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Participatory Planning for localization of Family planning & Maternal Newborn and Child Health (FP/MNCH) Advocacy and Communication in Nigeria

Investing in and deploying effective country-driven and locally-owned advocacy and communication efforts has become imperative to accelerate the voluntary use of modern contraceptives and advance the quality of care for maternal, newborn, and child health.

ACIOE ASSOCIATES, supported by ACIOE Foundation, hosted a workshop on promoting local ownership of Family planning and Maternal Newborn & Child Health advocacy and communication. Members of the workshop were drawn from critical political, social, and development sectors to provide thought leadership and feedback on the proposed advocacy and communication plans.

he event had over 200 attendees and various media stations such as NTA, AIT, FRCN, Daily Trust, Leadership newspapers, News agencies of Nigeria, and others. Its highlights were the free distribution of sanitary pads donated by P&G and group photographs with the participants.

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