ACIOE facilitates the donation of over 3M Pampers diapers

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  • ACIOE facilitates the donation of over 3M Pampers diapers

ACIOE Foundation, in collaboration with Procter and Gamble and the Federal Ministries of Health and Women Affairs, facilitated the donation of over 3 million Pampers diapers to six states of the Federation under phase 2 of the Pampers Rigakafi Program. This donation was geared towards providing hygiene products to Primary Health Care Centres, to encourage immunization and general child health care in hospitals across the Federation. The donation was made to the Federal Ministries of Health and Women Affairs, alongside 6 states of the Federation – Enugu, Anambra, Akwa-Ibom, Lagos, Niger and Adamawa state. All major plans related to its successful implementation were facilitated by the ACIOE team.


  • Riva Collins

    9 November 2019 - 2:07 am

    It’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to need ghor
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  • Obila Doe

    9 November 2019 - 2:09 am

    It’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to need ghor hmiu
    global and brands, companies are reaching out.

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