I will try to ensure

An extraordinary life starts with self care.

Discover three simple actions you can take right now to positively impact your body, mind and life.

Mel Necolas

The Self Care Coach

Our Mission

To empower women and young people through strategic programs, advocacy, and partnerships that promote health, sustainable growth, gender inclusion, climate resilience, and economic empowerment.


To foster sustainable growth and holistic development, enhancing the well-being of women, young people, the vulnerable, the elderly, and the underserved in society.

The Team

ACIOE Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of experienced professionals work experience.

Capability Statement

Our efficiency and accountability inspire the highest financial and trust rankings from our donors.

Who We Are

About Us

ACIOE Foundation, a Non-profit Organization founded in 2018, is committed to empowering communities and enhancing human capital development in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa through interventions targeted at scaling up reproductive health services (FP/MNCH, women’s health & WASH), quality education, gender, and development programmes- women empowerment, and climate change for lasting impacts.

The Numbers

Our Impact

ACIOE Foundation is particular about its impact on the lives of the vulnerable population and, as such, has implemented and supported several projects.

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Our Activities

Health Education

We educate nursing and expectant mothers on balance diet and nutrition.

Nutrition Outreaches

We organize outreaches to provide supplements to the less privileged.

Capacity Building

We initiate capacity building initiatives to empower the Nigerian youth.
ACIOE Foundation Outreach


Our reports focus on the following SDG goals including 3-Good Health & Well-Being,4- Quality Education,6- Clean Water and Sanitation, 8-Decent Work and Economic Growth, and 13- Climate Action.

COVID 19 Outreach 1

COVID 19 Outreach 2

Always Pads Outreach


My work portfolio for inspiration

In this context, our approach was to build trusted and strategic relationships within key sectors, with the goal of advancing health, trade and business outcomes.
ACIOE Foundation


Contact us

Contact for any help!

We’re here to help. If you can’t find the right speaker you need, or would like speaker ideas tailored to your event.

Our head office address:

3556 Hartford Way Vlg, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29466, Australia.

Call for help:

(734) 697-2907
(843) 971-1906

Mail us for information



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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